Bennett’s Creek Little League Official Website


2008 BCLL President’s Report


In Accordance with the 2008 Operating Manual, this Presidents report is available to all general members. As I have taken over Presidency in June of this year, I will keep this report as brief as possible while covering the essential items.

Bennett’s Creek Little League is in a period of transition in several aspects. The Board of Directors are experiencing a changing of the guard from some of the more experienced Directors that have served for several years to a new “blood” consisting of an energetic but less experienced group. We hope this changing of the guard regenerates the league and continues to hold up the great traditions established by its predecessors.

With the advent of Pony Baseball to the local area, BCLL will face other transitional issues. This will be a true test of the strength of BCLL and how the Board of Directors responds will set the stage for the future of Baseball in Northern Suffolk.

Demographics from the boundary area suggest we are in a growth period. However, with the recent decline in the housing market and rise in fuel costs, we are experiencing an economy that is not conducive to spending; especially recreation dollars.

It is with these thoughts in mind that we continue to move forward progressively but cautiously.  Growth is inevitable as the market adjustment will soon be on the upswing. BCLL needs to be prepared for future growth while keeping a prudent eye on spending.

As it stands today the property we currently use is owned by the City of Suffolk School system. We have a working agreement which is current under review by the legal department of Suffolk. This includes Yeates property and Driver property. The buildings and their contents are owned and operated by BCLL. All fields are in excellent shape with new fencing and scoreboards. BCLL has spent over $18,000 on field improvements over the last year.

We have not acquired any new land nor have we recorded any substantial gain in assets or liabilities, Again, my tenure as President has been short term so to present a complete financial picture we must look at the treasurers’ report. I will state, the financial condition is currently stable and the future Board will be fiscally responsible.

The coming year will present new challenges to this youthful Board of Directors. Expansion, administrative organization, standard operating procedures and increase membership through marketing will have the new board busy in 2009. It is with utmost confidence; I state they are poised for the challenge.

Respectfully Submitted,

Steven P. Geller
President, Bennett’s Creek Little League